So much has changed in ALL of our lives over the last two years. Jobs, families, recreation, you name it, and we've seen it be pulled up completely from its hinges and turned upside down. I've noticed that personally, within myself, I am no longer able to tolerate the falsities of life. Fake friends, fake romances, fake jobs, fake enthusiasm.. none of it provides any benefit to my life. The dopamine that was once gained from the idealization of a situation has long since worn off and the ugly truth shown with all propensity for a let down. The way that I talk to myself and others has drastically changed because no longer am I able to sugarcoat the truth. This gut wrenching truth has utterly changed my life forever.
However, the results of the above said truths has surprised a great deal of us in similar predicaments in a way we did not expect. Many wise individuals that I know have used this time to perfect skills, hone talents, and create a new way of life that they may have never imagined without this cruel motivation. Businesses have sprung up in the face of adversity, creators have solidified themselves despite overwhelming odds, and visionaries have molded a new future for us all. Personally, this is a monumental feat that we would not have been able to accomplish without the help of the devastation we all faced. A double-edged sword of enlightenment (so to speak). That is why I'm proud to be who I am, proud to speak on what I speak on, and proud to create the future that I desire for myself without permission.
How has life changed YOU in the last two(2) years???