There's a moment, a moment for all of us, where our spirituality was ignited. For myself, the ignition was lit after a lifetime of bad relationships (romantic and platonic). Trusting individuals I shouldn't have, investing in situations that held me back, and residing in uncomfortable and/or unhealthy spaces long past the expiration date. Basically, the growth of my life was being spoiled by toxic circumstances that I refused to acknowledge within myself and/or the people with whom I involved myself with. My outlook and thought processes had no hope of being positive, and my belief in myself was extremely low. One night it all collapsed within me. The thoughts of disgust for myself were so strong that I teeter-tottered on the thought of ending this beautiful life, like "what would happen if I got in the car and drove off some cliff??" This was such a low point in my life (after being low like this many times before, getting up and hitting the ground even harder) that I thought, "there HAS to be a better way... something greater than all of this." That's when all of a sudden those voices that I'd been hearing my ENTIRE LIFE held tremendous meaning. It's strange because these are feelings, emotions, occurrences, experiences, (etc) that I've been having/hearing my whole life, but was I listening.... NO!!! However, now, now that I felt nothing for myself, at the very same time I felt EVERYTHING for myself. I knew it had to be GOD, there had to be a reason, I had to have a purpose!! Here in lies.... THE IGNITION!!
What was the pivotal moment for you???